





採買完走出超市,門口一位女士拿著剛買的餅乾自在地吃了起來,陽光溫和底灑落在大伙兒的臉龐。突然之間,光暈裡好像漂浮著的一種淡淡的笑容。我轉個身往回家的方向走去,迎著這涼涼的空氣,憶起電影《Stranger Than Fiction》裡的最後一個場景,男主角車禍大難不死,鏡頭帶到他躺在醫院病床上,接著穿插著生活片段的剪影,電影用Emma Thompson帶著理性美口吻的那段旁白作結。

As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be ok. Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair, in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy, we can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies. And, fortunately, when there aren't any cookies, we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a kind and loving gesture, or subtle encouragement, or a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort, not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs, an uneaten Danish, soft-spoken secrets, and Fender Stratocasters, and maybe the occasional piece of fiction. And we must remember that all these things, the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties, which we assume only accessorise our days, are effective for a much larger and nobler cause. They are here to save our lives. I know the idea seems strange, but I also know that it just so happens to be true. And, so it was, a wristwatch saved Harold Crick.


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